
Today’s leaders are faced with ever-increasing demands on their time and energy, particularly in the areas of communication and how that translates into team effectiveness, where larger work volumes and higher service expectations are the norms for many organizations to produce ever-increasing results. Those demands are intensified by the continuing shortage of trained professionals who are equipped with the most relevant and adaptable skill sets in today’s evolving business landscape. The 21st century’s business landscape is a time of disruptive technologies, unprecedented change, and sometimes contentious inter-dependence. As organizations continue to devote most of their resources to the business mission at the expense of development and educational missions, there are potentially serious adverse consequences for the long-term viability of the leader, team, department, division, and the organization itself. Essentially, many in leadership seek short term gains at the expense of the teams long term success. This dilemma represents a critical strategic problem, not just for leadership but also for the entire organization’s long term viability.

Pilotage Group believes the success and growth of the individual are key to the leader’s and the organization’s success as the result of the pursuit of specific key strategic themes. With the concept of a paradigm shift, we invoke innovation of key processes with input from thought leaders with new strategic themes identified as they are just emerging from changes in work practices, organizational structure, and mindsets inside and outside the organization. A major benefit of this approach is that it facilitates the ability of leaders to articulate and focus on those strategic themes that will help them and their teams adapt more rapidly and successfully to environmental changes as the market evolves. To paraphrase Charles Darwin, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

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